J. Boylston & Company, Publishers
Contact: John T. Colby Jr, bricktower@aol.com
Fleming Seay, fleming@crossfadeinteractive.com


Manhanset House, Dering Harbor, NY – April 4, 2016 – J. Boylston & Company, Publishers announces the first campaign by Crossfade Interactive (Austin, Texas) to launch the Be An Interplanetary Spy Series™ as game apps. Who can forget gamebooks?  No matter your brand of choice, many of us nostalgically remember these books as a super-fun reading experience that allowed us to take control of the story and have a real influence on the ending in a way movies couldn't offer. Some of us even regard them as our earliest exposure to interactive narrative, critical thinking and problem solving in a fun and exciting context, precursors to the adventure and role playing games we would come to love.  The Be An Interplanetary Spy Series™ was a favorite and we've worked with the artists and authors to develop the series as apps for iOS and Android with updated art and interactive puzzles and games.  Please check out our Kickstarter page and spread the word to anyone you think might be interested in helping us bring back this set of treasures.  The campaign is currently live at the link below.


J. Boylston & Company’s mission is to harness the latest technology to bring innovative books to market at the speed of thought. http://ibooksinc.com

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